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2025 Terms & Conditions (+OH&S)

 Warrandyte Riverside Market - Terms & Conditions (updated as of 1st January 2025)

Authorised by: Rob Edwards, Chairman, Committee of Management Warrandyte Riverside Market.


1. All stall holders are requested to apply for their site in the first instance at


2. Stall holders are not required to pay for their site until they have made a successful application and placed their online order. At that time, they will be asked to pay by direct debit, within 48 hours. The Market Committee of Management (COM) has the ultimate decision on who attends the market and has the right to withdraw any stall holder's invitation to attend even at short notice. Stallholders must be able to show that they comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (shown below) required by Manningham City Council, The Department of Health and Worksafe Victoria.


3. All stalls must be booked prior to 5pm the Wednesday of the previous week though it is anticipated that sites will be sold out by mid-month and no guarantee can be given that sites will be available.


4. All stalls must be paid for no later than 5pm on the Friday of the previous week.


5. No payment via cash, cheque, in kind or credit card, will be accepted on the day; nor will stall holders be able to arrive on the day in the hope of securing a site: All sites must be booked by 5pm on the Wednesday of the previous week.


6. Cancellations may only be made by email ( by 5pm the Friday week prior (not the day before the market but the Friday of the previous week). The site fee will not be refunded but will be held in credit for a future market. Failure to cancel by the deadline will result in loss of that market month’s fee. Should a stall holder miss three markets due to cancellation or "no show" their site order will be cancelled, and any amount held in credit will be forfeited. They will not receive any further invitations to participate in the market.


7. The organisers will allocate sites prior to each market and give preference to those stall holders who are local to the greater Warrandyte region, and sell products that are handmade, designed, home grown, home cooked or represent a local charity of organisation. Should a product range or type change from the original advice supplied by the stallholder or if any product be deemed not to be in the interest of the market, the COM have the right to ask for that product to be removed from the stallholder's range of products.


8. a) Stall holders who order and pay for their sites for 3 to 12 months in advance will be allocated the same site number for the period of the booking with the right reserved by the COM to vary that site if required to achieve a retail balance in the area. Once an order is accepted a stall holder must maintain their site fee payments three (3) months in advance otherwise the order will be cancelled.

     b) Organisers will do the upmost to position those sites in the same location, but it will be at their discretion and subject to placement of competitors or other issues of impact where it may be necessary to move a stall.

   c) All sites remain the property of the market and approval must be obtained from the COM should a stall holder be selling a business where their advanced site allocation/s is included as part of the sale benefit.

  d) No more than one stall holder/business can occupy a site/s.


9. a) Stall holders are requested to treat fellow stall holders, visitors and organisers with respect; it is at the discretion of the COM to ask a stall holder to leave if he/she is behaving in an aggressive or disrespectful manner and/or not adhering to their agreed site dimensions.

   b) It is also at the discretion of the Market Committee of Management to remove stall holders who are selling or promoting sub-standard, dangerous or mass-produced products or products not detailed in their application or those without additional approval.


10. Each stall holder is responsible for the removal of rubbish around their site at the conclusion of the market. See below for more information.

11. Animals brought to the market must be on a short lead and well supervised.

12. All stall holders selling food are obliged to comply with the Manningham Council regulations with a Food Trader Statement of Trade.

13. All stall holders must carry their own $10million public liability insurance. Presentation of your Certificate of Currency will be required on obtaining a confirmed site at the market. Information about insurance is available from 

14. The market will be cancelled on days of a Total Fire Ban; Extreme or Catastrophic fire rating days and consideration will be given in regards Severe Weather advice from the appropriate services. In the event of a cancellation through this or other weather/emergency issues all monies will be held in credit for the respective stallholders to be used for site fees for subsequent markets.

15. Stall holders will be advised in writing of their requirements on a per market basis with regard to set up and dismantle, including car parking, entry points, etc. Failure to comply with any request of the COM will be grounds for dismissal from the Market and your order either cancelled or not accepted. Any abuse or lack of respect of our volunteers will attract immediate removal of the stall holder from the market and any existing order cancelled.


Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

The Market Committee of Management is required by Manningham Council to ensure that Stallholders comply with the following Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities. Stallholders who have booked a site are deemed to have read and accepted them as a condition of entry.

Food Safety – Warrandyte Riverside Market & Manningham Council requirements

All stall holders selling food must follow safe food handling practices and comply with Food Act 1984 registration requirements in order to protect public health.

1. Food businesses wishing to operate temporary food premises, or a food vehicle must lodge an electronic Statement of Trade - ‘Streatrader application’ - to Manningham City Council via the Department of Health website no later than 7 days before the event. Go to

2. The Warrandyte Riverside Market Committee of Management will refuse entry to any stallholder who cannot produce a valid Streatrader Statement of Trade issued by their respective Council for the purposes of selling and handling food.

3. The Warrandyte Riverside Market Committee of Management is to seize and dispose of any foods that or equipment identified by an authorised officer as potentially hazardous, and which may pose a risk to a person’s health and safety if consumed.

4. The market’s Emergency Management Plan requires all-food vendors that heat oil or use gas naked flames as part of their food preparation to always have an appropriate fire extinguisher and fire blanket on site.


Electrical Safety – Worksafe Victoria requirements

1. All electrical equipment must be tested and tagged as per Standard Inspection and Testing AS/NZS 3760

2. Electrical switchboard cabinets must be closed but not locked after leads are plugged in with all leads being fed up from underneath.

3. Stallholders should have a Portable Socket Outlet Assembly (PSOA) at their stall to control current overload or earth leakage. Multiple leads or appliances must have a PSOA.

4. Extension leads joined between the switchboard and the stall must be protected by a ‘socket box’.

5. Where there is pedestrian access, electrical leads must be raised or protected by a thick mat or cover protector.

6. Generator use: (a) located away for public access; (b) meets appropriate fire extinguisher requirements; (c) safe operating conditions are monitored whilst in use; (d) not to be used in wet conditions.


Additional Health and Safety Precautions

1. Stallholders must ensure that marquees and other equipment that may fly away in wind is firmly secured. A minimum of 7kg weight must be placed on each leg of your marquee frame.

2. All cords ropes and wires are taped down or hung overhead and red and white tape used to designate ‘out of bounds’ areas.

3. Stallholders to remove their own waste and do not use the public litter bins for trade waste.

4. Ensure noise levels are not disruptive to other market participants.

Authorised by: Rob Edwards, Chairman, Committee of Management Warrandyte Riverside Market

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